aXonnite® silver preserves the paint, prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi inside the packaging, protects the product from damage and ensures the durability of the paint colours by preventing the yellowing of light ones, among other things. A surface painted with silver-copper aXonnite® paint acquires an anti-fungal coating which protects it against mould. aXonnite® Silver can also be used for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal disinfection of production halls, as well as air-conditioning ducts and air in halls, conference rooms, cinemas, theatres and hotels.
Copper and silver aXonnite® CEM particles are used as a component of paints, adhesives, mortars and plasters.
- aXonnite® Silver preserves paints and prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi inside the packaging;
- aXonnite® Silver added to the paint protects it from deterioration;
- Surfaces painted with aXonnite® Silver/Copper paint have anti-fungal coating that protects them from mould;
- aXonnite® Silver guarantees durability of paint colours, preventing the yellowing of liight ones;
- aXonnite® Silver is used for antibacterial and antifungal disinfection of manufacturing halls and air conditioning lines and for disinfection of the air in halls, conference rooms, cinemas, theatres and hotels.

Research and certificates
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National Medicines Institute in Warsaw

University of Warsaw

Warsaw University of Life Sciences